Saturday, February 13, 2010

I had the wonderful opportunity of watching the Opening Ceremonies last night and they were amazing. Vancouver did a great job!! It was also a wonderful tribute to Nodar Kumaritashvili, whose life was unfortunately lost in a luge accident Friday. Having ties to the Republic of Georgia, I was so saddened to here the news, but was relieved to see how well of a job they did last night honoring him. I was motivated and inspired to watch the Georgian athletes proudly march in, honoring their fallen teammate. The athletes were given a charge to honor him by carrying his Olympic Spirit. I love how the athletes of the Olympics have that special ability to bring life to all those who participate, cheer, and watch using their abilities.

Likewise we can come together and use our various and unique abilities to bring life to all of those around us. There are few greater feelings than the feeling of unity brought upon by the Olympics. When our world comes together as one, the power and potential is endless!!!

One of my favorite parts of the broadcast was when they showed the video of the remake of my favorite song, "We Are The World". I love the new version!!! Here is the video . . .

" . . . We are the world, connected by a common bond. LOVE. The whole plant singin along . . ."

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