Sunday, August 23, 2009


A quick update on my lovely, good ol' ankle! Ha. Things are progressing. I have been in the pool for aquatic therapy all this last week, which is great. It means we are moving in the right direction! I am still not walking and am not putting all too much weight on my ankle and foot but surely and steadily the weight tolerance is increasing. Most of the exercises I do in the pool have gone well. There has been some problems in the front of my foot when plantar flexed and when bearing weight, but that should not be any worry. We suspect that it is just my foot getting re-accustomed to bearing weight. So all is going well and I am optimistic!

Today I had the opportunity to teach the priests and was so excited to be able to do so. We talked about decision making and the implications and effects our decisions can bring. We looked at some examples in the scriptures in Christ, Nephi, and Abinadi, and also looked at some examples from today in Steven Biko, Lance Armstrong, and the New York firefighters who risked their life on September 11th. We discussed the aspects that went into making those decisions and the characteristics that factor into our decisions. It was an amazing discussion and very conducive to learning and to spiritual revelation and development. Something that we discussed that struck me was the powerful usage of the simple word, "why". Especially in decision making, the question "why" can provoke thought and help one identify the reasons for a decision and realize their intentions. When I make decisions that can have lasting impacts I often ask myself, "Why? Why am I making this decision?". It allows me to reflect on the decision and the appropriateness of it. Is it for the right reasons? Will it be beneficial to myself and those around me. Who will I be able to help?

Why do we do what we do? Why do we say what we say? Why? Such a simple word and phrase but with such profound implications and such potential for realization and thought. Ask why. By doing so, I have brought more significance and meaning to the decisions I have made.

One other thing that stuck out to me is something that impresses me about so many of my close friends: courage. Doing what is right is never easy and achieving goals aspiration is equally difficult. It requires courage to live in such a way. Be courageous! Our courage can be a deciding factor in the outcome of our decisions.

Love you all!


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